About  us

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About Lyricsofheart.com provides you daily song lyrics of all languages like Hindi , Punjabi , Bangla , Bhojpuri ,English & More. We have provide huge collection of lyrics on this website.

Who i am ?

I am Soyeb,founder of this website . I am from Kolkata. I am student of B.Tech. I am doing my study in Techno Main SaltLake , Kolkata . I used to run several website .


  1. Hindi Lyrics
  2. Punjabi Lyrics
  3. English Lyrics
  4. Bhojpuri Lyrics
  5. Tamil Lyrics

How Do We write Lyrics ?

When do new song release . We listen that song carefully and write it in two languages . One in Hinglish and second in local language of that song .

How do we earn ?

We use adsense on our blog that helps us to run this website.

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